Gary L. Wolfstone
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Finland As A Safe Harbor Seattle, Washington

My clients call me and ask,
"Are we in full compliance with the law?"

Mr. Wolfstone was born in Spokane and he has lived in Seattle most of his life. He graduated from Whitman College and Harvard Law School. At Whitman College, he graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with Honors in Major Study (Economics).
During the years that he has been practicing law, Mr. Wolfstone has tried or been consulted on civil and criminal cases ranging from constitutional law to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
As a Constitutional lawyer and original thinker, Mr. Wolfstone has fashioned a Presidential Pardon which not only pardons federal offenses but also extends to and includes state law crimes. Contrary to the conventional wisdom ~ i.e., the print and broadcast media wisdom which is commonly accepted uncritically without the benefit of analytical thinking ~ Mr. Wolfstone reasons that the Presidential Pardon power is a "grant" of power and not a "limitation" of power. The founding fathers who drafted the U.S. Constitution have not included any express prohibition in our Constitution about pardoning "state law offenses" so it is clear that they leave open the "possibility" that Mr. Wolfstone has now offered as a "reality." Mr. Wolfstone offers this new Pardon Power to enrich the institution of the Presidency.
Mr. Wolfstone believes that all lawyers are honorable people, and he is saddened that Avvo.com and Mark Britton, its CEO, have successfully destroyed redemption as a core value in the legal profession. Mark Britton is getting rich trafficking in human pain. Most lawyers now worship at the shrine of Avvo.com and in making that bargain have demonstrated their willingness to dumb down their scholarly standards and water down their ethical standards.
Gary Wolfstone practices law in full compliance with the highest order of ethical standards. Mr. Wolfstone's gold standard is full disclosure to clients, integrity in pursuing financial recovery for clients, and making it clear to clients that he insists upon his client's co-operation and truthfulness in support of attorney-client collaboration seeking compassion and justice. Mr. Wolfstone received a letter recently from the WSBA (Washington State Bar Association) congratulating him on his 50 years of bar membership. The bar association said that they value and applaud the service that Mr. Wolfstone has provided to the people of Washington State throughout his career. The bar association letter said that Mr. Wolfstone's long-time commitment to expanding justice and promoting the rule of law is exemplary.