WELCOME TO GARY WOLFSTONE'S BLOG 11 ~ Mark Britton's Dishonesty is a Slur on the Legal Profession!
The day that Mark Britton launched his Avvo.com web site ~ and extinguished the value of honesty in the legal profession ~ was the day when the color Yellow ran away from the Rainbow. The color Blue mourns the loss of Yellow's brilliance. The legal profession was once a supernova, but now it has become an ultra dense star collapsing into itself. The day that Mark Britton launched his Avvo.com web site was the day when he conferred upon himself the power to trespass on the Washington D.C. web site ~ from whom he ripped off intellectual property contrary to the D.C. Bar Association's clear, compelling and unmistakable prohibition. Avvo Watch exposes the truth that Mark Britton is dishonest and that his dishonesty diminishes the legal profession.
Now that the Rainbow has lost its luster, Mark Britton has successfully transformed the American legal profession into a three ring circus ~ (1) lawyer bashing; (2) lawyer rating in a counterfeit system which lawyers can easily game with extravagant self-promotion; and (3) free legal advice with a counterfeit system which offers black letter law commentary in response to consumers' questions and then denies in a footnote under "Terms of Use" that free legal advice is legal advice.
Avvo.com has unleashed a whole tribe of spiritual sons and daughters who now give "free legal advice" to anyone ~ sight unseen ~ who has a keyboard and who submits a question. These pseudo lawyers are willing to practice law without the empirical support of carefully probing the questioner's facts in a face-to-face meeting and apparently do not rely upon a thorough research of applicable caselaw and statutory law ~ i.e., research tailor made to the specific person who is submitting the question with a specific legal problem. These pseudo lawyers bear a striking resemblance to pseudo scientists who generate hypotheses to explain the universe with a smorgasboard of scientifically untestable supernatural causes. These pseudo lawyers do not research potential conflicts of interest. These pseudo lawyers may have graduated from law school with an Order of the Coif certificate, but now they dance for Mr. Britton and his Avvo.com enterprise where instant gratification and mediocrity are the prevailing standards.
For Mark Britton and for his Team Avvo, the Truth is a set of movable blocks that Mark Britton can shift around ~ forwards, backwards, and sideways ~ to create whatever counterfeit reality pleases them on the Avvo.com web site. For Mark Britton and his Team Avvo, the American Bar Association's Rules of Professional Conduct accomodate and track their every whim and caprice. Ethical standards vary according to what Mark Britton needs and wants.
The supernova that was once the legal profession is quickly becoming a Black Hole in which the Rainbow does not exist. By the light of a blood red moon, the Acropolis in Athens ~ and the once proud American legal profession ~ are now a mere shell of their former majesty.