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Wolfstone Remembers JFK Jr.
"A Lonely Feeling"
Reviewed by Gary L. Wolfstone

John F. Kennedy, Jr. Remembered

John F. Kennedy Jr. was born to the sound of camera shutters clicking and never lost his humanity despite his continuing and growing celebrity status. The remarkable thing about him is that he lived a healthy, happy and stable life. Like his father before him, John was comfortable in his own skin, walked with the pace and stride of a man who was sure of his power and purpose, and never lost touch with the common men and women of his admiring nation.
Like his mother, Jackie, John Jr. was the quintessential nonpolitician. Although he always left the door open when asked about entering politics, John was dedicated to "public service" which does not necessarily mean that he felt any need to run for elective office. His success with the magazine George not only established him as an entrepreneur in his own right, but also gave him an important voice among the Vanity Fair crowd who follow the wit and soul of modern politics.
We can speculate about John's life and contribution if he had not been cut short while still young, vibrant, and evolving. However, we must ultimately measure the man by his tangible deeds and works. Truly, he demonstrated great compassion and grace. More than that, he was the embodiment of the myth of Camelot.
His loss leaves me feeling cold and lonely and makes me see my own mortality. He was born and raised and lived and died within the span of my life. He has moved his stardom from the terrestial stage to the celestial. JFK, Jr. will linger in our collective memory as long as his mother and father; he will never lose his boyish good looks; and he will never stop serving as an inspiration to unborn generations.