Annie Wright May Day Queen (1984)
Serving Annie Wright as the May Day Queen is an honor and responsibility,
and my daughter, Alycia Wolfstone, was the May Day Queen on Annie Wright's 100th
Centennial in 1984. The selection of the May Day Queen is not a personality contest
and is not a beauty contest. The Lower School and Middle School girls voted on this occasion
right along with the Upper School students and seniors.
Alycia Wolfstone was chosen as May Day Queen in 1984 in no small part
on the basis of her contributions to the younger girls (helping them with school
related functions ~ donating her time over an extended period of time to
assist in their many projects and classroom activities). It just so happens that
she is a beautiful woman ~ bonus points to be sure! ~ but her achievement was
attributable equally to her character as well as her physical beauty.
The 1984 May Day
Celebration was a crush of humanity and was held outdoors on a beautiful
Spring Day. Hundreds of women and their families came from all over the country.
Alycia and her Court were photographed and the pictures presently
hang in the hallway leading to the Great Hall in sequence with the
past and subsequent May Day Ceremonial Lead Persons.
We intend to educate and entertain our visitors
with carefully selected art which gives meaning to the philospher's
observation that Love is a great beautifier.
Send flowers or simply a thank you note to someone special.
Remember the poet's words ~ Love is free to the poorest

Alycia Wolfstone, 2019
Annie Wright May Day Queen
(Alycia is in the center of three Annies)
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